Anderson, Aaron - S 96
Anderson, Buena - S 421
Anderson, Cameron Teter - S 421
Anderson, Jim - S 786
Anderson, Jo Don - S 894
Anderson, Pat - S 842
Anderson, Reid - S 120
Ansley, Mr. and Mrs. Silvester - S 682
Apps, Jerold - S 885
Army Navy Store (Ashland area) - S 858
Arndt, Sam - S 870
Arndt, Zachariah - S 297
Aschebrook, Abeni - S 421
Audubon Technology & Communication Center - S 182
Augusta-Bridge Creek First Responders - S 431
Ault, Nathan M. - S 825
Babcock, Andrew James - S 682
Bablitch, Jacob M. - S 885
Bachman, Richard - S 421
Bacsik, David - S 182
Bader, Warren - S 182
Badger Girls State - S 182, 682
Bahr, Jonathon - S 842
Baird, Michael David - S 297
Baker, John - S 471
Baker, John Paul - S 421
Baker, Susan - S 842
Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur - S 682
Baldeh, Nyada Yoba, Jr. - S 204
Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Lester - S 682
Baldwin Telecom Inc. - S 623
Ball, Eric - S 682
Ball, Laura - S 352
Ballweg, Mary Lou - S 682
Bancroft, Gary - S 253
Bank of Wisconsin Dells - S 623
Baran, Michael R. - S 352
Barbian, Samantha R. - S 182
Barrett, Tom - S 858
Bartee, Marilyn Alison - S 682
Barth, Jeff - S 786
Barton, Mr. and Mrs. John - S 682
Bastien, Travis - S 536, 623
Battle, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne - S 682
Bauer, Jaclyn - S 120
Baughan, Loretta - S 786
Bauman, Margaret - S 204
Baumann, Erin - S 623
Baumbardner, Nicholas J. - S 786
Baumgartner, Alissa - S 96
Bay Port High School boys basketball team - S 842
Bayland Telephone - S 182
Beason, Mr. and Mrs. William - S 682
Beck, Zachary - S 96
Becker, Daniel Alan - S 204
Becker, George - S 786
Beckman, Neal - S 352
Bednar, Judy - S 842
Beier, Jeffrey J. - S 182
Beine, Matthew P. - S 431
Bellin College - S 352
Belmore, Mary - S 682
Bender, Dylan - S 471
Benmour, Brian James - S 96
Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Ricky - S 682
Benson, Emilie - S 787
Benz, Joanne - S 63
Berard, Mary - S 787
Berg, Lindsey - S 623
Berousek, David - S 787
Betz, Stephen - S 825
Beuche, James - S 682
Beverly-Davis, Pastor Lamar - S 886
Big Bend/Vernon Lions Club - S 63
Bina, Joey - S 825
Binder, Jordan - S 787
Bintz, Ashley S. - S 825
Birrenkott, Drew A. - S 96
Bjeloshevich, Tyler - S 204
Black Diamond Group - S 536
Blair, Robert - S 885
Blaney, George - S 421
Blietz, Matthew - S 96
Bloch, Roberta - S 842
Block, Mary Helen - S 96
Blodgett, Tyler Lee - S 431
Bloesch, Justin - S 623
Blucher, Brian - S 204
Blucher, Ricky - S 204